"Bringing Thomas Jefferson to Life"

Middle School

Middle School

Thomas Jefferson (Steve Edenbo) enlists the help of audience volunteers to teach students about some of the edits made to the final rough draft of the Declaration of Independence. Invite Thomas Jefferson to speak at your school. Contact Steve Edenbo: 215.514.1927 sedenbo@gmail.com www.YourThomasJefferson.com

Thomas Jefferson incorporates student volunteers to help demonstrate some of America’s core founding ideas and ideals, while also teaching about the writing process behind the Declaration of Independence.

Laughing and learning with Mr. Jefferson

Laughing and learning with Mr. Jefferson


Elementary School

Thomas Jefferson (Steve Edenbo) keeps young students giggling and having fun while he enlists the help of student volunteers to demonstrate how he changed some 18th Century customs in order to help move America closer to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. To invite Thomas Jefferson to speak at your school, contact Steve Edenbo.

Audience participation is absolutely key with the youngest audiences. Mr. Jefferson tells stories from his life and explains how he changed America in a way that is fun and interactive. (For upper-elementary students who have studied or are studying the Revolutionary War.)


Writing Workshops

Thomas Jefferson (Steve Edenbo), in conjunction with Independence National Historical Park and The National Writing Project, created a program that uses the Declaration of Independence as a model for teaching students how to write effective arguments. Jefferson offers a single class period version of this workshop for schools and writing clubs.

For middle and high school. Multiple programs using primary documents to teach writing. The Declaration of Independence as a working model for crafting an effective argument (see video) is the centerpiece of one program. In others, Mr. Jefferson uses letters written on the subject of revolution, but to widely differing audiences and recipients, to teach how to write with the proper tone and voice for a specific audience.

Thomas Jefferson: Author of American Independence

Thomas Jefferson: Author of American Independence